What The Future May Hold

Warning! This is not for the timid or faint of heart!

This is likely to be too challenging for skeptics, who should not read this but go back to alt.skeptic where their beliefs can be more positively reinforced.

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Consider the advantages of establishing an open union with a benevolent alien species, it would be important for humanity. In addition to the enormous technological, medical and biological benefits, it would be an important factor in the evolution of the human species. With sufficient time, we might be able to get to a point where we are beyond technology, and would be able to use our "divine" creative aspects. Before that could happen, however, there would need to be an end to competitiveness and aggression, there would need to be free, open and totally honest communication. We would have alot of growing to do.

To this extent, a hybridization program would be essential to changing some fundamental human characteristics. It would take too long for our species to evolve to the point where it could live in harmony with the planet, our population is growing too rapidly, and we are destroying the ecosystem. The hybridization process would serve as a step, to bridge us across the transition. There would be very few humans as we know them on the surface of the planet after the transition, most of the regular population would be wiped out, although important genetic characteristics would be preserved. The time spent evolving would not be wasted, rather, we would have those benefits in addition to the advanced genetics of the alien species. Combined, there would be a species adapted to the planet (human) and with creative characteristics (alien). This may have been part of a long-term plan for the planet.

Aliens would probably need to step in before we destroy the planet irreparably, or begin to use our abilities to spread beyond the surface of the planet. Our deleterious genetic characteristics tend to make us an aggressive, dangerous species.

There are probably trillions of earth-like planets out there, most, or all, of them inhabited. There is probably no room for aggressive, conquering, territorial tactics. There are probably too many species out there living in harmony to permit this. Virtually any one of these species could halt a human attempt to spread in uncontrolled fashion, their technologies being far advanced of our own, and the lessons learned through millions (perhaps billions) of years of interstellar interaction and history would probably be applied.

The goal for this planet probably was to make it inhabited by a peaceful species. It is the goal of life to spread itself wherever possible, but moreover, it is the goal of creativity to expand its interaction with physical reality, to create new, varied lifeforms whereever possible, with creative characteristics. However, it would not have been a goal to create an aggressive, strictly self-aware species. Although there may be a possible future where humankind is successful in breaking earthly bonds and spreading aggressively, this type of action probably has happened many times in the past, and such an error would be averted, using whatever means necessary. It is possible to totally wipe out a species (humans do this regularly) and to start again from scratch, although this would be sad and probably unnecessary.

Things are changing rapidly, and we are approaching global transitions. It is probably unwise to have a significant vested interest in the status quo.
